Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (2024)

Craigslist allows users to buy and sell goods or post classified ads for anyone in a community to read or exchange. The service launched in the mid-1990s and has since grown to cover every continent. But what exactly is Craigslist, and how does it work?

What Is Craigslist: A Brief History

In 1995, San Francisco resident Craig Newmark created an online hub meant to inform visitors of local events. Soon, individuals began using Craig's small platform to post jobs, services, items for sale, and more, eventually requiring the use of a server.

Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (1)

During a housing shortage in San Francisco, individuals began posting ads for apartment rentals in and around the city. In response, Craig wrote software that could automatically add email postings to a website: craigslist.org. Finally, in 1999, Craig was able to devote himself full-time to Craigslist.

How Does Craigslist Work?

Craigslist functions as an online classifieds forum, but it also allows for community discussions, job postings, service advertisem*nts, and more. Visitors can post their own ads, apply for gigs, or take advantage of deals they're interested in. A quick glance at the Craigslist home page shows an array of sections. Some of the key sections you'll find include:

  • Community: This section is for events and trends happening in your community, including classes, lost and found items, political forums, and local news. There's also a unique section called "Rants & Raves," where posters can share whatever thoughts and feelings they have.
  • Services: Here's where you find people and organizations offering services, such as car repair, website design, or dog walking.
  • Housing: Use this section to find or advertisem*nt an apartment for rent. You can also find real estate listings in your area, whether you're looking to buy, sell, rent, or trade.
  • Jobs: Job postings are very common on Craigslist. You can find listings for pretty much any field, including Education, Real Estate, Accounting, Security, and Media.
  • For Sale: If you're looking for an item on the cheap, this is where you'll find it. One of the most used areas of Craigslist, these ads are placed by individuals selling anything from furniture to collectible figurines.
  • Discussion Forums: Craigslist has forums for discussing pretty much everything under the sun, such as tech products, religion, celebrities, and politics.

You can use the Wanted category under the For Sale section to solicit specific items you may want, or browse listings of other people's requests.

How Does Craigslist Make Money?

Craig Newmark was once asked to include sponsored ads on his website but turned down the offer. Instead, Craigslist focuses on only a couple of revenue streams, including:

  • Fees for job postings: There's a fee for posting a job posting in major U.S. cities, and it ranges from $7 to $75, depending on the location.
  • Fee for apartment postings: Individuals who post an apartment listing in Boston, Chicago, and New York are charged $5 per posting.
  • Other posting fees: Craigslist also charges fees for other postings, mostly depending on the region. You can find a complete list on the Craigslist posting fees page.

How to Use the Craigslist Marketplace

Follow these instructions to set up and begin using the Craigslist Marketplace.

You can follow these exact same steps to find other postings such as gigs, housing, and more.

  1. Go to the Craigslist home page. If you have your location services on, Craigslist will pull up the largest community home page closest to your area.

  2. Use the search bar on the left to manually search for listings, or browse subcategories under the For Sale section.

    Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (2)

  3. Every listing is different, with varying levels of detail. Each ad will have a map of the general location for an item, plus a description.

    Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (3)

  4. You can inquire about an item by selecting Reply in the upper-left corner of the page. You'll be given options to reply by email directly or to use the email provider of your choice.

Craigslist allows posters to mask their email address to keep their personal information private. The email you see and use will be directed to the poster's email account on file.

Craigslist Near Me

You can use voice search to find an item, service, or gig on Craigslist. Through Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant, say "Craigslist near me" to be directed to your regional Craigslist page.

You can also use voice commands to search for items or services. For example, you can ask to see "puppies on Craigslist" to see a list of cities and their puppy listings.

All About the Craigslist Discussion Forums

You can use Craigslist forums to participate in or start conversations about pretty much anything, from classical music to the latest iPhone.

Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (4)

Under this section, you can choose a forum to view using the search bar at the top of the page. After selecting a forum, you will see a list of all the threads and discussions related to a particular topic or search term. If you see something that interests you, select the blue hyperlinked areas to view the response in more detail.

Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (5)

To reply to a post in the forum, you need to sign-up for a Craigslist account.

You can compose a new thread to start a new discussion or comment on others by replying. You can also rate an individual's response or flag it if it is inappropriate. The forums are a great place to learn, discuss topics, and find friends.

How to Stay Safe on Craigslist

Just like any other online activity, it's important to stay safe. If you're selling a product, service, or posting a gig on Craigslist, here are a few security tips to keep in mind:

  • Don't add all of your contact information: Keep your contact information to the bare minimum, just enough for buyers or those interested in your post to reach out.
  • Only accept cash for monetary transactions: Do not accept checks or money transfers for your product or service. Many scams have occurred for buyers using these methods.
  • Always invite buyers to a safe place: If you don't have a place of business and you're an individual selling an item, meet the buyer in a public place. Never invite buyers to your home.

For buyers on Craigslist, it's best to always:

  • Ask questions: If you're unsure about an item or service you're interested in, be sure to ask questions. You can also request more photos, past transactional information, and other details.
  • Don't send money first: Don't ever send money to a seller prior to seeing the item or knowing exactly what you're purchasing. This is a good way to get scammed.

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Looking for cool items on a budget in your area? Try Craigslist (2024)


How to spot fake Craigslist responses? ›

Craigslist does not back any transaction on its site. If you receive an email or text trying to sell you purchase protection, you're looking at a scam. There is no such thing as a Craigslist voicemail service. If a contact asks you to access or check your “Craigslist voicemails,” you're dealing with a scammer.

What is the most bought item on Craigslist? ›

12 Items That Currently Sell the Most Money On Craigslist
  • Home Appliances. Gently used or well-maintained appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers are always in demand. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Cars and Motorcycles. ...
  • Power Tools. ...
  • Sporting Goods. ...
  • Garden Equipment. ...
  • Tech Accessories.
Jan 24, 2024

How do I reduce a price on Craigslist? ›

This method is relatively simple: pitch a random distribution of offers 40%-50% lower than their listed price. If they want $100, for example, send three emails from different email addresses offering $50, $60, and $55. You then send a fourth offer (your real offer) from your actual email asking for, let's say, $70.

How do I pay for expensive items on Craigslist? ›

Use a secure form of payment

Personal checks can bounce, and scammers can fake cashier's checks and money orders. If the transaction is for an expensive item, such as a car, meet the seller at the bank, and have them draw and deliver the cashier's check right then and there.

Can people on Craigslist see my email? ›

Craigslist provides a "cover" email address that is forwarded to the recipient's actual email address. Only Craigslist knows the real email addresses of both parties. This way, if one of the people involved turns out to be untrustworthy, they don't have the other person's email address.

Can you see who flagged you on Craigslist? ›

Can I Find Out Who Flagged My Craigslist Post? No. While you cannot figure out who exactly flagged your Craigslist post, it is still possible to edit your ad to align itself with Craigslist's Terms of Use to get it live again.

What is the number 1 sold item? ›

The most sold item in the world is clothing and fashion items. This ranges from women's and men's outfits to children's clothing, shoes, accessories, and more.

What second hand items sell best? ›

High-demand items include branded sneakers, vintage T-shirts, and designer jackets, all of which have a dedicated buyer base. The key to success is pricing goods appropriately. Know brand values and current fashion trends to enhance sales potential. Capitalize on limited-edition sneakers or a classic leather jacket.

What should I be careful of on Craigslist? ›

There are some common Craigslist scams that you can spot quickly and avoid once you are familiar with how they work.
  • Middleman scam. It's a common scam in the rental industry. ...
  • Escrow fraud. ...
  • Job scams. ...
  • Email recovery scams. ...
  • Buyer scams. ...
  • Seller scams.
Jan 10, 2024

Why is Craigslist charging me $5 to post? ›

One reason is that the company wants to make money from its website. Another reason is that it wants to reduce the number of spam posts on the site. By charging for each post, Craigslist can ensure that only legitimate ads are posted.

What should I not do when selling on Craigslist? ›

  1. Deal locally. It's always safest to finalize a transaction in person. ...
  2. Examine the product before finalizing a sale. ...
  3. Don't accept or send a cashier's check, certified check or money order as payment. ...
  4. Use cash — safely. ...
  5. Don't share your personal information.

Is it OK to haggle on Craigslist? ›

Haggle, yes it's okay. Low balling is a waste of time. You are asking for a middle finger, or no response unless they say best offer. How do you post an ad to sell something on Craigslist indicating you'll take significantly less than you've the price you've offered without giving away that you're desperate?

Should you put your phone number on Craigslist? ›

Scammers are getting pretty sneaky and are collecting personal phone numbers through Craigslist Ads. Case in point, when you're placing an ad or responding to an ad, avoid using your personal phone number to communicate with buyers or sellers.

Why do Craigslist buyers ask for a phone number? ›

You list an item and get an immediate response from a potential buyer. The “buyer” claims to be very interested in your item, but they want to make sure you are legitimate first. The scammer asks for your phone number, so they can text you a verification code.

Is it safe to give an address on Craigslist? ›

FWIW your address is not a secret, unless you've gone through extraordinary means to protect it. You shouldn't worry about giving it out being a threat to your personal security. OTOH the "I'll send you a check" thing is a common scam on Craigslist, but you've been well warned about that already.

How can you tell if a Craigslist house is real? ›

Jump To A Section....
  1. What Is The Scammer's Motivation.
  2. How Do You Spot Rental Scams On Craigslist?
  3. #1 There Are Typo's And Grammatical Errors In The Rental Listing.
  4. #2 Pay Attention To The Photos.
  5. #3 The Price Is Too Good To Be True.
  6. #4 The Property Is Never Available To View.
  7. #5 You Will Never Meet The Landlord.

How do I know if my Craigslist job is legit? ›

10 Ways to Determine If A Craigslist Job Posting is Legitimate
  1. Check the Dates. ...
  2. Protect Your Financial Information. ...
  3. Set Up a Separate Email Account. ...
  4. Do Due Diligence Before Sending Your Resume. ...
  5. Trust Your Instincts. ...
  6. Don't Get Too Personal. ...
  7. Look for Signs of Unprofessionalism. ...
  8. Get Agreements in Writing.

How to verify a Craigslist buyer? ›

  1. Talk to the person on the phone, if possible, about the deal. If you have to email them first to make the initial contact, ask them for their phone number so you can talk more about the item. ...
  2. Meet the person you're doing business with in a public place, such as a coffee shop. ...
  3. Complete your transaction in cash.

What can a Craigslist scammer do with my email? ›

With just your email address, scammers can:
  • Target you with sophisticated phishing emails.
  • Find more sensitive information about you — including where you live.
  • Attempt to hack into your social media or other online accounts.
  • Impersonate you and scam your friends and family.


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.