Empress Isabella of Portugal - The Collection (2024)

Empress Isabella of Portugal

Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)

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Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)

Pieve di Cadore, Belluno, Veneto (Italy), 1490 - Venice (Italy), 1576

Empress Isabella of Portugal - The Collection (1) See author's file

1548. Oil on canvas.
Room 056

The portraits that Titian painted of Isabella (1503-1539), daughter of King Manuel of Portugal and wife of Charles V from 1526, constitute one of the most moving episodes within Renaissance art. When the empress died, Charles found that he did not have her portrait, so he tried to recover the one that his deceased wife had sent years earlier to Margaret of Austria. In November 1539 he received this portrait from his sister Mary, but was not happy with it as he considered that it did not resemble his wife. It was probably at this point that he had the idea of commissioning a portrait from Titian if he could find a suitable model. In 1543 Charles sent to the artist in Busseto a small portrait of Isabella probably by William Scrots (Poznan, National Museum), molto simile at vero, benché di trivial` pennello, according to Aretino. In 1545 Titian finished a portrait of Isabella dressed in black with flowers in her lap and with the imperial crown behind her; it was destroyed in the fire in the Palace of El Pardo in 1604 and is known through copies and prints. Charles had it brought to Augsburg in 1547 so that the artist could retouch the nose. This lost portrait acted as a model for the present version, also painted in Augsburg and which we know, from a letter from the artist to Granvelle, was completed on 1 September 1548. In the letters, Titian also refers to a double portrait of Charles and Isabella of which there is a copy by Rubens (Madrid, Fundacion Casa de Alba Collection), and which was a curious combination of the seated portrait of Charles (Munich, Alte Pinakothek) and the first one of the empress.

These three portraits constitute further chapters in the fascinating process of the recovery of the empress through her image, culminating in the double portrait which united the emperor with his absent spouse. In these works Charles was not seeking a faithful reproduction of her appearance (given that he already had one molto simile al vero), but rather wished to visualise his own memorised one, which would explain the episode of the nose. Charles asked Titian to retouch this feature, not because it was badly painted, but rather because Titian had painted it as it really was. The portraits of Isabella made during her lifetime show her with an aquiline nose, a feature also remarked on by contemporary commentators, and not with the improbably straight and classically perfect nose which Titian painted. With this correction, Titian repeated with Isabella´s nose the cosmetic operation he had carried out Charles´ protruding jaw in his portraits. The moving, personal nature of the portrait explains why it was one of the few paintings that Charles always had with him, and it is documented in Brussels in 1556 and Yuste in 1558.

The portrait follows a model by Raphael/ Giulio Romano (Isabel de Requesens; Paris, Louvre) which Titian had looked to in 1536 for his portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga, duch*ess of Urbino. The sitter is seated with an open window next to her through which is a landscape. A sonnet by Pietro Aretino celebrating the portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga and the way in which the painter emphasises her virtues (her modesty in being seated and the purity implied by covering her breast and hair with a veil, elements also used for the empress), highlight the conventional nature of the formulae used in such images. Isabella´s portrait, however, is more hieratic, not because she did not actually pose for it, but rather because it deliberately conveys a sense of distant majesty evident in other imperial portraits. It is not so much the imperial eagle embroidered on the curtain -the only concession to imperial iconography- but rather Isabella´s distant gaze, focused neither on the Book of Hours that she holds or on a possible viewer, which gives her image gravity and dignity. The work is in good condition. The X-radiograph has revealed no alterations but has shown that Titian reused a canvas with a female figure painted on it.

Philip II lent this portrait to his sister the empress Mary for the Descalzas Reales Convent, where it is mentioned by Carducho in 1633. In 1636 it was hanging in the Alcazar in Madrid, where it remained until the fire of 1734. It then passed to the Palacio Real Nuevo, entering the Museo del Prado in 1821.

Falomir Faus, Miguel, Tiziano, Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado, 2003, p.208

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1548 Book Canvas Jewels Oil Painting




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Technical data

Inventory number
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio)
Empress Isabella of Portugal
Height: 117 cm; Width: 98 cm
Royal Collection (Palace of El Buen Retiro, Madrid, 1772, no. 616?; Palace of El Buen Retiro, 1794, no. 440?; New Royal Palace, Madrid, "secretaría de Estado", 1814-1818).

Bibliography +

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Other inventories +

Inv. Testamentaría Carlos III, Buen Retiro, 1794. Núm. ¿440?.
Otra [pintura], Copia de Ticiano: retrato de una Princesa extrangera de vara y tercia de alto y vara y quarta de ancho marco dorado ... 200

Inv. Carlos III, Buen Retiro, 1772. Núm. ¿616?.
{15356} 616 / Otro [retrato] de la reyna primera mujer de Carlos V escuela de Ticiano vara y media de alto vara y quarta de ancho

Catálogo Museo del Prado, 1910. Núm. 415.

Catálogo Museo del Prado, 1942-1996. Núm. 415.

Catálogo Museo del Prado, 1872-1907. Núm. 485.

Inv. Real Museo, 1857. Núm. 878.
Tiziano. / 878. Doña Isabel de Portugal, esposa de Carlos 5º. / Esta sentada, con un libro en la mano, lleva un trage con mangas abiertas de brocado y mangas interiores blancas y afolladas; perlas en el cuello y en la cabeza: su cabello es rubio, trenzado y hueco a los lados. (C.L.) / Alto 4 pies, 2 pulg; ancho 3 pies, 6 pulg.

Catálogo Museo del Prado, 1854-1858. Núm. 878.

Inv. Fernando VII, Palacio Nuevo, 1814-1818. Núm. s. n..
Secretaría de Estado [...] {22246-22247} Vara y media de alto vara y cuarta de ancho, una señora sentada con un libro en la mano y collar de perlas = Ticiano. copia

Exhibitions +

VENEZIA 500<<. The Gentle Revolution of Venetian Painting (Colore)
27.10.2023 - 04.02.2024

The Female Perspective. Women Patrons of Art in The Museo Del Prado (1451–1633)
14.12.2022 - 09.04.2023

Labirinti del cuore. I 'due amici' di Giorgione e le stagioniu del sentimento bel `500 italiano
22.06.2017 - 17.09.2017

10.06.2003 - 07.09.2003

Carolus - Toledo
05.10.2000 - 12.01.2001

Carolus - Bonn y Viena
15.06.2000 - 17.09.2000

Las sociedades ibéricas y el mar a finales del siglo XVI
22.05.1998 - 26.07.1998

Location +

Room 056 (On Display)

Empress Isabella of Portugal - The Collection (16)

Displayed objects +

Jewels: Unido a un collar de perlas, destaca el joyel donde pende una perla en forma de lágrima.

Update date: 09-07-2024 | Registry created on 28-04-2015

Visor 360

Empress Isabella of Portugal - The Collection (17)

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Empress Isabella of Portugal - The Collection (2024)


What is Saint Isabella of Portugal known for? ›

St. Isabella of Portugal has a feast day of July 4th. She is the patron saint of brides, peace, queens, falsely accused people and victims of adultery.

What happened to Isabella of Portugal? ›

Isabella served as regent for Charles from 1529-1532 and again from 1535-1539, taking a more active role the longer she served. On 21 April 1539, while Charles was away, she gave birth to a stillborn son and contracted a fever, dying on 1 May 1539.

Who was Isabel of Portugal's empress? ›

Isabella of Portugal (Portuguese: Isabel de Portugal; 24 October 1503 – 1 May 1539) was the empress consort of her husband Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain, Archduke of Austria, and Duke of Burgundy.

Is Isabella a Portuguese name? ›

Isabella is an Italian and Spanish variation of Elizabeth, which comes from the Hebrew name Elisheba, meaning "devoted to God" or "God is my oath." With its regal and elaborate feel, Isabella is a popular choice among parents searching for a classic, elegant name.

Why was queen Isabella so important? ›

In terms of accomplishments, Isabella I unified Spain through her marriage to Ferdinand II of Aragon, and she financed the expedition of Christopher Columbus, leading to the discovery of the Americas. She also completed the Reconquista but infamously expelled Jews and Muslims and empowered the Spanish Inquisition.

What are some fun facts about St Isabelle? ›

Even as a girl, she was known for fervent prayer and fasting. She loved learning and studied Latin so that she could pray the liturgy of the hours and read the Church Fathers. Isabel refused to be married, even when famous men courted her.

What movie is Isabel of Portugal in? ›

The Holy Queen is a Spanish-Portuguese historical drama film. The film portrays the life of Isabel of Aragon, a Spanish-born Queen of Portugal who played a role of peacemaker between different factions at the Portuguese court as well as between Portugal and Castile.

Who did Queen Isabella marry? ›

Isabella I was hereditary Queen of Castile in her own right and her marriage in 1469 to her cousin, Ferdinand II of Aragon united their kingdoms and transformed Spain into a major European power, paving the way for unification under their grandson, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.

Did Charles V love Isabella? ›

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Charles V and Isabella of Portugal were in love with each other. They were married in 1526 as a political alliance to strengthen their countries' power and had several children together, but their marriage was not known to be a love match.

Why do the Portuguese call the Queen Isabel? ›

Why do the Portuguese call the Queen of England Isabel II and other countries call her Elizabeth? Isobel is Portuguese for Elizabeth, Pedro is Spanish for Peter, Pablo is Spanish for Paul Carlos is Spanish for Charles. Just the person's name translated into another language.

Who succeeded Queen Isabella? ›

Following Isabella's death in 1504, the couple's daughter Joanna became queen of the Crown of Castile. That year, after a war with France, Ferdinand conquered the Kingdom of Naples. In 1507 he became regent of Castile on behalf of Joanna, who was alleged to be mentally unstable.

Who was Princess Isabella husband? ›

Isabella of France (born 1292—died August 23, 1358) was the queen consort of Edward II of England, who played a principal part in the deposition of the king in 1327. The daughter of Philip IV the Fair of France, Isabella was married to Edward on January 25, 1308, at Boulogne.

What does Isabella mean in the Bible? ›

Meaning:Pledged to God, God is perfection, God is my oath. Isabelle is a girl's name of Hebrew and French origins, meaning “pledged to God,” “God is perfection,” and “God is my oath.” Child to mama Elizabeth, adorable Isabelle perches alongside cousins Anabelle and Gabrielle, who equally air a romantic appeal.

Is Isabella Italian or French? ›

Isabella (given name)
Meaning"God is my oath"
Region of originItaly
Other names
Nickname(s)Izzy, Bella
7 more rows

What does Isabella mean in Spanish? ›

Isabella is the Spanish and Italian variation of Elizabeth, which is derived from the Hebrew name Elisheba. Its meaning translates to "God is my oath."

What is Santa Isabel known for? ›

Santa Isabel is known as Tierra de Campeones (Land of Champions) because of its rich sports tradition (especially in Baseball).

Who is the most famous saint in Portugal? ›

Saint Anthony, the matchmaker, was born in Lisbon. He is the patron saint of the Portuguese capital. Going through the fastest canonization process ever done by the Catholic Church, he was called the “saint from the whole world” by Pope Leo XIII.

What was Isabella II known for? ›

Isabella II (born Oct. 10, 1830, Madrid—died April 9, 1904, Paris) was the queen of Spain (1833–68) whose troubled reign was marked by political instability and the rule of military politicians.

Which saint turned bread into roses? ›

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Married to the profligate King Denis of Portugal, she, like her great-aunt, showed great devotion at an early age, and likewise was charitable toward the poor, against the wishes of her husband. Caught one day by her husband, while carrying bread in her apron, the food was turned into roses.


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